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I am Vidhu Mahana, a dual certified Strength and Nutrition coach. 

Strength training has never been vanity or working for a short term “look” or “workout” per say. We define our time in the gym as “training” or “preparing” to be who we want to be. It is one of the most powerful aspects of my life where we could be ourselves, “express” ourselves fully and not be dependent on anyone. Training and preparing to do things that we could have only imagined in the deep corners of our hearts. I have been training for more than 13 years now. and love lifting heavy weights, but I love freedom more than anything else. I may not be able to touch a barbell for quite a few months, but it has never held me back in how I could structure my training and get a great training effect outdoors.This is just the beginning of becoming the “Outlaw”, the way of being, the person who takes all the responsibility for their fate, their choices reflect freedom, freedom of full expression of the mind, body, and soul. Things won’t be given to you on a silver platter, you must take it, heck, snatch it from life!​

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We can help you achieve your goals by identifying, right from the scratch, what your life goals are and why they are important, perform a full body physical assessment to understand where you are and how ready you are to train, what are the problem areas and where you are strong at and then chalk out a training regime and monitor progress along the way. Goal oriented, competition-based exercise regimes to help you stay accountable, motivated and on track.

On the nutrition front, we can help you with your goals pertaining to the activities you do, ideal body composition, weight loss, weight gain, your confusion with food and supplements. We can also help ward off all the biased thinking towards food and let you eat what you prefer and not deprive yourself and feel unsatisfied.

On the home or garage gym front, we can help with building up your own gym starting with basics and then expanding gradually. We can render knowledge on training with minimal equipment initially and extract the max out of it. Everything will be as per your budget and needs.

Don’t hold back. Earn your freedom!

Training with us at Outlaw Lift, you will learn:

  •  To invest in the essentials for a long-term fitness regime

  •  To use your own body when the time requires and manipulate levers for different training effects

  •  To structure your own exercise program

  •  To prevent injuries and train for longevity

  •  To eat without depriving yourself and still reach your goals

  •  To get better in what you really want to do in life!


More Strength!

Vidhu Mahana, CPPS, TSN,

Owner and Founder, Outlaw Lift.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

Whatsapp/call : +91-9987909563

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